Give a man a fish, he feeds for a day
Teach him to fish, he feeds for life...
Communities already devastated by climate change across the Commonwealth need your support.
Get involved, support the projects we select and help create
Sustainable Communities
Protect The Environment
Enhance Biodiversity

When the Goals of COP26 fall short.
And Governments across the world cannot do it on their own.
OneNature-CommonWealth offers solutions-
Solutions to help the vulnerable in the Commonwealth, to restore biodiversity, and regenerate the soil -
Through funding our partner projects- Selected on impeccable track record and regular monitoring.

Your community actions help us create thriving, sustainable communities across the Commonwealth.
Communities across much of the Commonwealth are predicted to bear the maximum brunt from climate change and need your support to become self-reliant.
Why not raise funds by running, racing or holding a coffee morning or suggesting any other activity of your choice.

The projects we support are based on the principles drawn from Permaculture, Agroforestry, Intercropping and Polycultures, all of which are proven to reduce pollution, increase biodiversity, protect the environment and potentially sequester carbon in the soil.
Sponsor and support our partner projects to step up to the challenge of meeting your climate change commitments.
Want to know more. We will be happy to present our concepts to you.